nope, this is not your typical read.
honest, heavy holographs


i realised that i've been putting alot of blogthings on my blog. wahahas. all the lame stuff summore. XD anyways,let's chill out before the nightmare of june holidays starts tomorrow!

You Are From the Sun

Of all your friends, you're the shining star.

You're dramatic - loving attention and the spotlight.

You're a totally entertainer and the life of the party.

Watch out! The Sun can be stubborn, demanding, and flirty.

Overall, you're a great leader and great friend. The very best!


There's a 0% Chance You've Been Abducted By Aliens

There's virtually no chance you've been abducted by aliens.

But there's always hope for the future!

haha! random.

You Are 94% Pure

You're so pure ... you make a nun look like a whore!

There's a lot of life's dark side left for you to experience... if you want to.

Your Heart is Blue and Purple

Your heart is enticing and enchanting.

You are charismatic, larger than life, and fascinating.

You bring fantasy and romance to relationships.

You're good at making someone ordinary seem extraordinary.

Hey ppl,it's not yellow~ :D

You Belong in Spring

Optimistic, lively, and almost always happy with the world...

You can truly appreciate the blooming nature of spring.

Whether you're planting flowers or dyeing Easter eggs, spring is definitely your season!

Your Thinking is Concrete and Sequential

You are precise, orderly, and realistic.

You tend to get to the point and get things done.

Difficult, detailed work is easy for you. You take things step by step.

Time limits aren't a problem for you either. You work well with deadlines.

What does drive you crazy is any sort of task that isn't precisely laid out.

You don't like anything to be ambiguous. You prefer to deal with the facts at hand.

ahahaha... that sounds boring. XD

You Are 32% Angry

You're occasionally angry, but it's really not an issue.

While you may give in to your temper once and a while, you're pretty mellow.

And as long as your anger doesn't effect your relationships, then it's probably in check.

You know that anger is a bad habit - and you don't engage in it often.

haha,c? i aint angry~ n that leads to...

There's Not a Violent Bone in Your Body

You're cool and collected, even when someone really gets under your skin.

And while you don't blow up when you're angry, you know how to express your anger calmly.

You don't bottle emotions up or let them get out of control. For you, violence would never be an option.

a very sweet huang hui en. :D

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