Ooo! CNY performance today! (: quite ok ba. haha. it's so cool to be conducting in front of the whole school! O.O hees. but of course, first time = a lil nervous ma. hehe. but it all turned out to be quite good. (:
thanks to all performers n helpers n members who clapped offstage! :D
love you guys!!
love felihua too! :D
dint win the CNY deco prize. ): disappointed.
e6 really put in alot of effort n time de leh! ):
we deserve at least a prize ba? hahas. (:
but anyways, this deco thing has bonded 4e6 tgt yea? yea! haha. so it's not that bad. :D
the funny thing is, right after we went back to class, edgarton started to take down his cow fr the notice board. hahaha.
i think he's gg to hang it up in his hse for his CNY too. haha. funny la!
like the rest of us were like... WHAT ARE U DOING?!
chionged to greenwood with allison! hahas.
n patheically, thr was only allison, gerald n me. =.=
(gerald's popular man. ppl juz talk to him along the way whn we were gg arnd our pri sch. hahaha.)
so we went to walk walk in school. took many dumb pics la. hahaha. so fun! :D
thn we went to canteen to eat. :p
i ate : pizza, lor mai kai
i drank : mushroom soup(it comes with a slice of bread), watermelon juice
all in 30min. hahaha. i feel fat. D:
thn, zongxian came!! :D yea!!
haha. when he sat dwn at the table w us, gerald suddenly shoved the lor mai kai into his face n asked if zongxian wanna eat anot. haha! zx was like so shocked la. hahaha. funny!
oh ya! greenwood had a lion dance troupe performing. haha. so cool.
after a few minutes, we were chased out of school. D:
i din feel like gg ma, thn zx said we go take tents thn camp here. haha. xD
still nv lose his touch ah. hehe. :p
oh, thr were like so many sec1 in swiss cottage tht were fr greenwood la. so incredible. (:
after that, gerald, zongxian, allison n i went to causeway(mos burger) to eat.
talked talked talked. :D
laughed laughed laughed. :D
thn zx said that when we were still sec1, 28ppl came back for CNY. sec2, 20ppl. sec3, 10+ppl. sec4, 4ppl. =.= haha. so pathetic. la.
but nevertheless, it was fun la. cos it's still the 4 of us who keep gg back every yr. haha. :D yea!
after tht, gerald had to go back home. ):
left me, zongxian, allison go shop shop.
ltr, ziliang came; cos nd to go buy foolscap ma. haha.
AND, zongxian had a grp pic, in which he looked damn like ziliang la!
hahaha. allison n i were like laughing like crazy lor. hahaha. xD
thn talked abt allison still living in her childhood period. hahas.
funny la. HILARIOUS!
then, we went to popular to buy foolscap.
to take a shortcut, we have to cut across kiddy palace!!
when allison turned into kiddy palace, the 3 of us damn shocked la! thought that she really wanna go inside to see see.
hahahahaha. xD
then stupid zongxian n ziliang kept taking turns to bully ally n i la.
what is this man. hahaha.
they juz know each other for a few minutes jiu like gd friends le lor =.= hahas
throughout the few hrs, we continued crapping here n thr lor.
crap until we went back to bata to buy zongxian's sport shoes.
thn, zongxian insisted tht he buy ally n my belated bdae presents. hahas. :P
thanks ah zongxian. :D
walk until ziliang n zongxian leg cramp. hahaha!
jiu went to sit dwn @ benches outside watson's lor.
continue to talk. haha. :D so fun!
talked abt ally n daryl lor. kept suan-ing her. :D
thn, when zongxian, ally n i talked abt pri sch stuff, ziliang go drift away la.
when ziliang, ally n i talked abt sec sch stuff, zongxian go drift away also.
haha. so we taled abt MORE general STUFF while waiting for florence tay. hahahas
aiyo wait for florence tay wait for very long leh.
we were still expecting her to come with some more anderson ppl. in the end she came alone. =.= haha, bei pian le. D:
aiya, jiu talk talk summore jiu go home le. :]
ally n zongxian go take bus (i think) while florence went to find her mum, which was at causeway too. hahas. jiu go hm with ziliang lor. D: bully me agn. hahas, jk la. :D
(: reunion was so fun!! :D
allison, florence, gerald, huiern, zongxian. the last standing warriors of 6a'05. :D
aiyo. the hrc template got smth wrong D: muz copy n paste one by one. D:
PPL, SEND YOUR FORMS! YOU ARE ALREADY LATE! (unless u r w valid reason)
ok, i nd to sleep. wah, cld have easily slept after dinner.
but got hrc, jiu stay up until now. D:
im sleep deprived. hahs. when sec1s come in, it's gg to get even worse. hehe.
:D muz buck up for 0lvls le ah!!!
huang huiern, azhar~
*plonks onto keyboard*
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