but thr's still a long way to getting a gold... ):
whees~ (:
haha, saw SINGHUI rehearsing before us la. (chung cheng main thn swiss thn nanhua)
i was like "is that singhui? that looks a damn lot like singhui!" throughout the whole of chung cheng's rehearsal la. hahas... :p i shld have better eyesight, seriously.
dint get a chance to confirm if it was singhui yesterday la. sad. D:
anyways, down to our rehearsal time! :D zys ppl had a great difficulty in getting up to the second level of the stage la. it was so cramped! ): wonder hw we're gonna get ready on actualy syf day. hehes. thn mr ong came up(yay!) n told us abt chungcheng's zys falling off the steps. O.O that seriously hurts a damn lot man. hope that their shengs are still ok for syf. :p
and soon, we started our rehearsal. (: not bad la. each time has diff prob, but it worked out quite well lor. (: haha. must praise my dear juniors! :D haha, gys has lots of taifeng la!! :D hees. juz that nobody noticed. :p but still, yay! haha. you could see zhiming imitating my direction la. hahaha. since my taifeng is random, he had a hard time following. :p hahas... funny! think krystal n i have alternating taifengs. i move in, she move out. hehes. so i can see her sheng bobbing here n thr fr the corner of my eye. (:
oh ya, zhiming! have more confidence in yourself la. you can survive without the scores de! :D hahas.
mr lee was cute! during the seconds/third time rehearsing cicada, he said(in chinese) "we'll go slower this time. we were too fast just now because i was nervous too." hahaha. so funny la! plus he gave that kinda smile. hehes. :D
conclusion: juz follow mr lee n nth will be wrong.
thn, mr ong came on stage n gave fc comments that his do pian1 gao1, told huixin n jieren that our cicada front part was too scary and said that our dizi sounded scared plus had too much zhuang1 shi4 yin1. hehes. (: mr ong's the best man! :D yay!
thn, we rehearsal ended n we went out to keep our instruments. went to the marble bench n saw the 2 gys fr chung cheng thr. i waited to see if singhui would come and get her sheng, but guess was too engrossed in talking to krystal le? missed the part on who came to take the shengs. hehe. :p but still, singhui n i realised that we had seen each other at SCH on facebook today! :DD *happy* hahaha. so funny la. (:
(oh yea. chung cheng's choice piece is so cool la! O.O)
stayed on to watch nanhua's rehearsal too. listening to the same two songs by them is really a different feel. (: picked out some shared problems, goodand also not as exemplary points from their orchestra's performance yesterday. on the whole, scco actually still has to chiong, given that we had much more preparation time for jiang jun ling than them (as said by sinting). so, JIAYOUS LE PPL! :D
haha, cant wait to see our video on tues. (: muz look out for jordan's shuai taifeng!! xD hahaha.
anw, im looking forward to music exchange @ RI! :D cos IRIS IS GONNA BE THERE~~ whoots! hahas. (see tagboard.) mayflower's gonna b thr so clarence's gg too. greendale has the gys girl fr orchestra A. (: happy. hehs. on syf day, we'll see glenda too! (see tagboard agn) muahahas. hope to see more friends! im missing moe co & lead camp again la!!! DD: ahh.
n i read xuanming's blog. (: hahas. his monday post is good la. cos that's how i feel too. haha.
SYF's coming le, n that means we're gg le. passing co on to our dear juniors. (: im feeling a tinge of sadness at this moment. ok, maybe more than just a tinge. well, that feeling's all too familiar with each year's "getting used to" phase after syf/concert. 2 years back, we still had seniors to rely on. last year, we had our juniors to give us the strength to get over that rough period this year, i guess we'll have to rely on ourselves? :/ haha. it's so near to MYE too.. haha.
aiyo,i should stop all this for now and get to sleep le ba. haha.
and not what happens after that (not referring to MYE) until syf is over. :DD
yea ppl ppl!!
*thanks to all dearest alumni who came back to support us during the rehearsal. :D love you guys! n thanks to sinting for motivating ww after the rehearsal plus peiyi n eileen for accompanying us back to swiss; zaiyuan andrew john for making the pizza hut dinner so fun. (:
yea ppl ppl!!
*thanks to all dearest alumni who came back to support us during the rehearsal. :D love you guys! n thanks to sinting for motivating ww after the rehearsal plus peiyi n eileen for accompanying us back to swiss; zaiyuan andrew john for making the pizza hut dinner so fun. (:
(class outing's later! :D )
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