im finally back at home. wahaha.
i know dat all of u miss me la. :):)
XD anw,
im damn SADDED cos
1. i cun go to WOODWINDS OUTING!!!
lyk: wat the hell.. T.T its WOODWINDS outing ok.
eeyer,sinting,yuping,dewei went! summore ALL the guys in ww went too~ omg.
im starting to cry. n ww went to ESCAPE~ n dey had a hell lot of fun. T.T
(sry guys,im vulgar. BUT hu cares when im missing out on SO MUCH FUN??)
hey ppl,woodwinds rawks whole time ok. ROAR. i feel so guilty for not gg to da outing. T.T ARGH~ i BADLY want to attend a woodwinds outing!!
ohya. reading woodwind-ers' blog posts on da outing doesnt make it any better. T.T
2. i went to singapore-malaysia adventure camp 2007
yea. its 5 days4nights. well,its freakingly long. T.T hey people,cos of this stupid camp,
i cant go to woodwinds outing,im gonna miss out on all the fun n games during co camp! what the hell. da onli good part of this camp is making new friends n qualifying to become a tour guide ( like you take people around serangoon n tell dem dat this place was named after a bird called rangoon. lyk, hey ppl, co doesn't nd to know dat. =.= ) ohya. ive got contact rashes n i look as if i have leprosy. ROAR.
3. i dint enjoy co camp.
walao. its CO CAMP ok. hey ppl,co camp is MY LIFE. co is MY LIFE. woodwinds is MY LIFE. so what's the focus of my life if i miss 60% of co camp,miss 90% of fun in co and miss 90% of bonding with seniors n juniors in co?? omg. i feel damn sad ok. S-A-D. i dint get to play all the super fun games with woodwinds. haii. to make things WORSE,during POP dinner, i was serving food all the time dat i din get to eat with woodwinds,din get to talk to seniors before they officially pass out. AND,just to pick up litter after the dinner, I MISSED OUT ON THE WHOLE POP CEREMONY. what the fucking hell. hey people,that's the part of co camp dat is really important. walao. freak la. i actually MISSED THE WHOLE THING. shitty shit. wahpiang. sorry to sinting(esp!),yuping n dewei. i missed out on the ceremony. i missed out crying with all of you. i missed out on everything. T.T WALAO. i cant stand it le. haii.
T.T these 3 things make me really damn sad+guilty+disappointed ok. freak la.
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