nope, this is not your typical read.
honest, heavy holographs


hehe,sry about dat post man. budden im really #@$%#&$&@$ about dose stuff. hhas. budden im back to my usual sweet,cute,refined and absoulutely adorable self. :D
yupyup. i wanna blog about my long long long camp away from home~ hhas. budden no time le. as u can c, its super early in the morning. n i gotta get MORE sleep.
hehe. juz in case u dunno, i slept for 3 hours straight for 5 nights and i still endured through long and taxing days. wahaha. pro ba? :D i noe dat.
so when i came back on sat,i slept for 18 hours~ wahaha. i was expecting at least 20hours. but,oh well, its already good enough. XD
yup,n im still having malaysia trip this sunday~
who0ts~ im damn high la. wahha
hehs. so for now,im getting my beauty sleep. :D
ohya,im hungry! n i jus brsting with food just now? XD

p.s. goong s ended. n im lyk. wat?? i was seriously anticipating for some interesting parts in the show. aiyo,obviously im disappointed. hehe. watcing goong s is simply such a waste of time. goong is a GAZILLION times better ok. XD esp when shin n chaegyong r inside. XD hhas.

p.s.p.s. oh my gosh, I LOVE WOODWINDS~

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