yea,im gonna start on my hw SERIOUSLY cos i dun haf time le. hhas. da only thing dat im worried about is my jian3 bao4.
cos, i dun subscribe to lianhe zaobao.
n i dun rmb in time on wed to buy lianhe zaobao(cos of bao4mi3hua1)
when i rmb,dere's only lianhe wanbao left. -.=
n, i oso dun rmb to buy friday weekly. ROAR.
i got friday weekly at hm but, its jian3 bao4 u noe?
i nd to jian3 my bao4 leh.
hehe,i dun wan. XD
so,wish me good luck barhs. :):)
*** *** ***
i went to peiyi's blog yesterday. :D
go see the latest post - on woodwinds classics de. :D
hahax,really damn funny.
read da comments too~
well,u haf to be an insider to really experience what the joke's all about.
wahahas. :D
wahaha. :D
that's really true! :D :D
woodwinds really brings back all the memories...
really veri fortunate to be in woodwinds with such wonderful seniors n juniors(esp sinyee!)
:D well,woodwinds juz rawks la. XD
*** *** *** yr,
sec 3 le wors.
grow big big le.
hmmm, well,next yr sec3 le.
it sure is gonna b a great turning point in my life.
firstly,next yr change class le,gonna make new friends n gonna become better friends with my current friends~ hahas. let's juz hope that it would turn out this way.
secondly,next yr schoolwork is gonna be so tiring cos we're alr preparing for o levels.
thirdly,next yr, peiyi,weijie,qiaohui,felicia,eileen,germaine,kaining will be gone. T.T
haii,lyk wat huixin said, we're all alone. HAII!!
well,dere's gonna b so much fun missed out with them u noe?
ever since sihui,peiting,shunqi stepped down,
i heard fr pui n wj dat woodwinds shao3 le some fun.
then,sinting,yuping,dewei stepped down.
OMG. dat was sure hell.
the first sectionals after dat,woodwinds was like *silence*...
luckily peiyi,feli n eileen dey all livened it up,
so it wasn't really that bad. :D
kudos to them~
if not for them,maybe woodwinds would have fallen apart already. *sobs*
well,the cruel truth is: woodwinds alr not so united lor. haii.
as u can c,sec1,they r so anti. haii.
well,except for chikomm sinyee la. wahahs.
now peiyi dey all gonna step down le.
hmms,left us?
wahahas. let's do an analysis.
(dun really haf da rights to. but anyways,hu cares? XD)
sec3 next yr:huixin,me,fengcan,jordan,sylvester,hilary,ziyong,jieren.
me n huixin: wahahas.we'll get VERY HIGH. :D hopefully it entertains woodwinds a lil. hhas.
fengcan: hey ppl,he's boringer dan me~ im comforted. xD hhas. hey guys,he discusses jiangjunling n qingdian when we're having meals. hhas. well,its good cos its good (=.=) but its bad cos im sitting next to him for almost ALL the meals. wahahas.
jordan:wahaha ppl,he's sure one entertaining chap. xD let's juz hope fc entertains with jordan too. hhas.
sylvester:hhas,the pro one. well,he's sure pro,so his jnrs r quite pro too! :D summore he practices with ziyong so let's hope ziyong wun abandon us. :D
hilary: wahaha,hilary is CRAZY over magazines. n she becomes friends with jnrs too! :D but the con is,her jnrs dun listen to her. =.= hilary! xiong1 yi4 dian3!
ziyong:hehe,the pro-er of qudi. :) hmm,not veri into co but at least he really practices n uses ruixiang as his role model. :D somemore got sylvester ma~
jieren:hhas,jieren! the jnr among the snrs cos he juz joined co this yr. :) hhas. quite an entertaining guy too,juz dat he falls asleep behind bars(zys' golden bars) whenever mrlee's teaching. ROAR. dats damn bad.
hhas. our level is considered quite united. :D cos we're alr friends with one another ma. hhas.
:D budden i dunno about our next batch lor. hhas. well,zhiqing n sylvia. :) same class,but not into co. so can be considered bad influence? maybe we can make one of them interested so both of them will become interested~ hmmm,easier said than done. tianshou,same class as zhiqing n sylvia. but dun think they r close? n he's so blur!! hhas. dunno whether dats good or bad. sinyee n libin. wahahas. chikomm leh~ same class,quite into co. :D hhas. dats GREAT~ well,fr wat i have observed during open house day:
none of da sec2/3 except huixin,qiaohui n i came. jiu teach them a lil lor. then,can c dat da gurls quite ok la. :) juz not close enough. hhas. jiayous~ woodwinds MUST be united!!! cannot hui3 in our hands de!!!
hhas,back to da topic. next yr,sec 3 le. next yr officially does duties of a JOL. *gasps* hhas. hope dat i'll become a good JOL barhs. hhas. but its stil scary esp when u haf to conduct. hhas. muz really lian4 my paizi!! roar. its not dat wen3 yet lor. x_X hhas. yea~ n my new year resolution as a JOL is to know as mani current sec1 as possible n try to make them into co. :D n next yr,im gonna do my best to make our next batch into co too! hhas. jiu wish us good luck barhs. hhas.
yeayea,last but not least,next year,officially cannot c sinting yuping n school le. ROAR. when they stepped dwn its still not dat bad cos they r still in swiss. :D still can c each other. hhas.
but next yr,they go to jc le! T.T hhas. but still muz,wish dem good luck la. :D jc life isn't fun wors. hhas. but i think,since dey n mani other friends oso go to same school,it wun b dat stressful?
hhas. next yr hope dey will come back some day? budden its oso quite... quite not the same anymore. cos peiyi dey all step down le,left my batch dat dey know. n summore sinting yuping closer to peiyi's batch ma. so when they come back,most likely will feel left out - all the unfamiliar faces,all the unfamiliar songs... so i would rather they not come back. hhas. but when they come back,they still haf teachers-in-charge arhs. hhas.
[[dis part is specially dedicated to all sec3 friends (excl. woodwinds de)~ hmmm,muz start with zaiyuan! hhas. this yr de chairman. yea,dis yr den start to become friends with u de. hhas. hmm,maybe cos we live in same neighbourhood so we veri close? XD hhas. jiu in a veri short tym,we become very very very close friends le. hhas. n in dis short amt of tym,we oso quarelled quite a number of times. hhas. anw,dats not da main point. jiu,before i came to know u,i only know that u n peiyi n very good friends too. hhas. go taiwan jiu will buy many many things for peiyi. (make us so ENVIOUS) wahahas. after befriending u, jiu noe y u r such a good friend of peiyi. hhas. :D really. u'r really an awesome friend~ :D
hehe,nxt,john. hhas. quite surprised dat i wrote for u right? hhas. yea,john. always make fun of my hair de. ROAR. hhas. but u r a good friends la. hhas. will joke around with us,chat with us.. hhas. yea,still rmb last yr when i take same train as u,we always haf nothing to sae. n its juz awkward silence. hhas. i really hated kranji for being so far fr yewtee. xD hhas. den,bit by bit jiu become more like friends lor. hhas. den sometimes talk until i hated dat kranji is so near fr yewtee. XD hhas... :D jiu liddat,we become friends le lor. hhas. :)
tricia,cassandra,debbie. :D hhas,well,we r not dat close,budden somehow linked here n dre until like become fren le. hhas. well,u all r veri friendly lor. hehe,last tym i din really like to talk to "strangers". den u l juz chatted to me lor. hhas. :D thanks~ den nw its lyk really no problem talking to u all le~ :D
qinxin,ernest~ hhas. :D well,we r nt veri close huh? hhas. budden at least considered friends la. :) hehe. qinxin! always noe dat u r a veri friendly person wors. hhas. veri close to yan n huixin summore. hhas. :) jiayous jiayous~ although we not veri close budden i wun forget u de! wahhas. ernest.. we lyk a mth ago den talk. x_X wahahas. well well, kinda regretted not becoming friends with u earlier. hhas. :D actually u oso veri funny de. hhas. :D wahahas. jiu hope dat we'll become closer barh! hehe.
andrew wahahas. hmmm,considered my kor? hmm,nvm. hhas. well,last yr jiu become friends with u le la. hhas. well,u were always the act pro in english de la. XD hahaz. luckily now got msteo to correct u~ hhas.. aiya. jkjk la. :D hhas. :) well,muz say dat u r quite a good friend to me wors. hhas. :) woohoo~ n u r cute. :) john's cuter. :):) im CUTEST~ :D]]
wahahas,dats all for now barhs. :D hhas. i really gotta do my hw le. ROAR. hhas. can any kind soul donate an issue or two of lianhe zaobao's bao mi hua n friday weekly? pretty pretty please? hhas. :D
p.s. feli!! wahahas. im not depressed le la. i learnt fr it too n i will NEVER EVER make this stu[id mistake ever again! wahahas.
p.s.p.s. its gonna be christmas soon~ hhas. God bless all of you. hhas. n i feel guilty not gg to christmas bash all because of HOMEWORK. roar. hhas.
p.s.p.s.p.s. im gg off to taiwan fr 26dec-30dec. hehe. SHOPPING! yea. n im SADDED cos i cun go to bbcc concert. omg,sinting's performing la. ror. zaiyuan's performing too. boo! T.T
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