nope, this is not your typical read.
honest, heavy holographs


piss off

warning: im veri pissed off in this post so u can choose not to read it. :D

i juz checked my dad's hp this morning.
n guess wat i realised?
ALL my sms fr SENIORS are gone.
shit la.
it's really all u noe.
what the fucking hell la.
it's like... all the memories are deleeted just like that.
what is this??
got sms fr my birthday 2 yrs ago,whr my pri school friends wished me hapopy birthday.
got sms fr my birthday last yr,got JOANNE+yan de sms(cherished dem cos at dat tym,we weren't close).
got sms fr SYF,whr snrs comforted me when i couldn't get into syf.
walao,this is so heartbreaking ok...
i still rmb sinting sent me a 2-part message to tell me not to b sad.
i still rmb qiaohui conforting me n telling me not to cry le.
now all these treasured tangible memories are gone.
all that's left are those in my memory.
Sinting: Hey gurl,dun sad le. u r really a very good sheng player. really. but syf got limi,so have to sacrifice u.. sorry.. if got no limit, u surely can go for syf de! but peiyi n weijie only have this one and only chance to go n perform. while u still have the next syf n u surely can go de. muz believe me dat u r a good sheng player. dun cry le la. cheer up and move on. smile! =)
Qiaohui: Hey meimei! dun sad le, hao ma? u very pro de,sure can make it to syf de. but syf too many people le.. meimei,dun cry alr la. ok? =)
omg,im crying.
not because dat i cun get into syf.
but because my deardear snrs sent me such touching sms la. T.T
n now they are all gone. n now i can only remember the idea of the sms,
incomplete with the words.
*** *** ***
what the fucking hell.
my father actually CLEANED OUT my wardrobe.
this is MY wardrobe.
and the most infuriatiing thing is that he ASSUMES too much.
way way way too much.
he has this kind of air around him that smells of "I know it all"
he says that he knows what clothes and stuff to clear out from the wardrobe and put inside some eeky box under a bed dat will turn the contents dusty n mouldy in no time.
he says he knows what clothes i don't wear so thoise would be inside the box too.
he says he knows that the box is AIR-TIGHT.
have some common sense please.
the thing that i don't like about people touching my stuff is cos:
1) i dunno whr my things r.
2) my things get damn dusty n dirty.
3) once u put it away fr my sight,i will never use it again.
4) i like to keep in check the clothes n stuff i have.

so,scram off.
he's still speaking with that sickening "i know" phrase.
he's still assuming too much.
he's still thinking that im the innocent little girl that doesn't have a mind of her own.
he's still thinking that he's forever right.
he's still happy when we go according to his wishes.
he's still getting pissed when we don't.
he's still getting high blood pressure when we want to choose our own things in life.
piss off man.
im already 14 this year,turning sec3 in the next.
im already in upper secondary n he still treats me like upper kindergarten.

roar. im not gonna waste anymore time on this,stupid.

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