nope, this is not your typical read.
honest, heavy holographs


hahax,i dint know that my last post will cause such a sensation la!
ahaha,so there are people reading my blog anyway. :D
well,im back to blog agn cos i juz finished doing my eng ppt stuff.
(not precipitate,but powerpoint. XD that's LAME!)
:D so my current status : slacking.
haha,well,its gonna be one of the rare times where i can slack..
exams are coming n im still so "school juz started for the year" moodish.


hahax.dunno how im gonna pull it through man.
heh. :P
jiayous ppl~ guess revision must start soon NOW . hahas...
but i guess i can really concentrate on that after co stand down ba.
hehe,still trying my very very very best to be a good chairperson. :D
hope u guys will help me along the way too~
hahax,n i guess i really need to talk to jess n yan about what we r gonna do for co.
:D aims, goals, visions, missions...
and how work is to be distributed and organised.
hehe,loads of stuff to do!
but that's gonna take a back seat for now.
i must mug like a mug n mug some more!!
XD *lame look*
hahas, well,that's all for now~
(im contemplating a blogskin change. any suggestions?)

:D hahas.
go go people~

go go co!!

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