nope, this is not your typical read.
honest, heavy holographs


(wahaha,actually not. i still have chinese oral on mon. :( )

haha,the exams are over but that seriously does not call for a celebration. haha,firstly,i flunked my exams. esp e math n bio! :( secondly, life after the exams isn't any better [except for the co part!! :D]. argh. hahas. so let's recap on my papers for the MOY 2008. :)

1) English Paper 1
wahahas,actually, not much of comments. i chose the crime question for the free writing part. -.-i crapped until i feel like giving myself a slap cos i dun uds what im writing. mama. hahax. well, el paper 1=no comments. :D

2) Higher Chinese Paper 1
haha. i think i can fail. i wrote gong1 han2 n somehow my brain's not functioning well. i dun't think i can even get full marks for my "task" part. ROAR. then,for the compo,i chose the bao4 zhang1 xin1 wen2. hehe,i chose it cos it's somehow related to ss. :) so i translated the ageing population part into chinese. heh,but the points are like so limited la.. sian. din't even write 2.5 pg. T.T die le.

3) Social Studies
well,i've given up on ss le. haha,hope my super duper high ca marks for ss will pull up my overall marks for the first semester. hahas,firstly,for the essay qn,i dint explain the factors. neither did i link them back to the question. T.T i merely gave a very vivid description in hope of hitting 25marks. damn. my second essay is so shitty - the whole of it.

4) English Paper 2
heh,*no comments* i cant find my points for summary. sian. n im prepared for a nice egg for my vocab. i dint answer the compre qns to the point. argh. all these realised when "time's up" is said. sian.

5) Higher Chinese Paper 2
:D i failed. haha,actually,i understand the passages. just that im not in a very chinese mood u noe. XD too great influence from the el paper liao. hahas. AND,i din't finish my free-response qn. when i was about to do that,i looked at my watch and it suddenly dawned on me that i dint have enough time. haha. so i dint care that qn n jumped straight to summary. wahahas. luckily i finished my summary. then,when ms ma said pens down,i managed to crap out a damn feeble response. hahas. ohya,the gong4 sheng1 guan1 xi1 thing is haunting me. i saw a documentary yst and it was about animals depending on each other to survive. BAH. so depressing.

6) E Math Paper 1
hehe,i confirm 5 marks fly away cos i forgot formula. T.T sian. overall,hope i wun get the lowest in class for e math agn. :X

7) Physics
argh! two papers in one day=hard time. mama,physics leh. ahhhh! many questions were taken from previous tests & TYS la. argh argh argh. n i dint memorise them. sian. hahas,the first science paper jiu liddat le. what about the rest? T.T

7.5) happy birthday to zaiyuan! :D

8) E Math Paper 2
hahaha.i feel like bashing my rotting brain man. i left 11 marks blank cos i dunno how to do. BLANK. plus other questions that i dunno how to do,i estimated that about 40 marks will be gone. :D hahas. its super saddED. haii. haha,justin n i had an agreement to retain our positions as the last 2 in class for e math. hahas. x.X

9) A Math
YAYS~~~~ my only paper that im confident in. pls give me at least a 70. pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls? :) hahas,actually a 70 for my class is considered one of the lousiest le. :( haha,at least i checked n spotted n corrected 3 errors in my paper. :D that prevented me from having even lower marks. Hahas,yea. i dun wanna go for am remed! argh. a 70/80 is already considered fail according to mr ngoh's standard. *gasps* haha,darren ang said he's getting a full mark. hahas. i can't cos i forgot that partial fractions cannot haf fractions as the numerator. argh.

10) Chemistry
oolala. this is yet another no comments paper. ah haha. i finished 20min earlier than the stipulated time. when i looked around me,everybody's still chionging la. hehe,made me wonder if i had left any page blank. guess im quite well-prepared for this exam cos my beloved father sat down with me yst to go through my chem. Hahax,and cos i got the lowest in class for my chem,naturally i dint have much confidence about this paper. hehe. n summore my basic chem ain't good. so,yea. liddat lor. hahas. oh ya, i drew the diagram for section C wrongly. :(

11) Biology
:) i failed. firstly, i can't absorb any bio stuff while chionging. wait. i didn't chiong. at 5pm,i only finished nutrition in plants. :D wahahas. then i seriously chionged to read through the textbook. attention: read. no memorising involved. argh. then,i can't take it anymore n sms-ed huixin. :D hahas. made me feel better. [huixin! do NOT overrate yourself. :D] wahahas. gave up on the last chapter with huixin. hehe. somehow,i was numb to this bio exam. i was like "bio? orh,bio lor. fail ah? orh,fail lor. cannot finish syllabus? then don't finish la!" BOO! that led to a disastrous today. :D i skipped about 20 qns before i could even think a little straighter. sian. i flunked my whole section B cos i dint noe a heck of what they were saying. n i dint hit the number of points needed for the number of marks awarded. :) that happened for every question. :D so i seriously can fail le. :D

12) National Science Challenge Audition Paper
argh. it's right after bio. T.T everybody's celebrating after bio n i, tgt with 14 BOYS, have to do a paper with 50 mcq in it. hehe. after i finished the whole paper,i read the instructions. it said circle your answer. -.- i wrote the letter. so i had to redo lor. hehs. it's like a guessing game. :) how would i know whether cream and milk separates because of centrifugal or centripetal(or whatever) force/pressure? n im a computer idiot. x_X and they asked how many bits there are in a byte. another qn asked what error 403 is. erm... :D i have never taken notice of that. to me,error = refresh page. hahas... AND,we had 1h15min to do that paper. AND CHEN ZILIANG USED 1H15MIN. =.= we can hand in the paper once we finish it. and that stupid ziliang finished even faster than me and he SLEPT just to use up the 1h15min. =.= the rest of us outside were like ziliang! stop sleeping inside there! ROAR. hahas... FINALLY,he decided to heed the calls of 14 desperate nsc(national science challenge) hopefuls. haha,he handed in the paper and we finally had the briefing. mr seow gave us a schedule that showed us what we have to learn for each day if we are chosen to be in the team. hahas. SCARY! from monday to friday,INTENSIVE training of sec4 sciences la. we'll have to finish like the whole sec4 syllabus within 4 pathetically miserable days. on average,one hour is used to learn 3 full chapters. omg. normally its about 3 hours to finish one chapter or smth liddat. ARGH. then,lyndon said that he's here to prove mr lim yt that he's capable enough to get into nsc. hahas. funny. then i was like omg. why am i here? cos mr seow told me to come. =.= I KNOW. bash me up for all you want. then,i started worrying. what if i got in?? if bridgette dint get in, i'll be the ONLY GIRL AGAIN. roar. if i got in,i'll have to study like mad when we're supposed to have a well-deserved break. if i got in,haha,i can guarantee you that i can't catch up lor. let's take monday for an example. 15 chapters to fully uds n memorize within a few hours. :) how great. hahas. *hope i dun get the call*

7.00pm today
(woken up from afternoon nap) ok,mr seow said that he'll call the successful nsc team members tonight. *hope i dun get the call* so, i got up and peeped at my phone. OMG. 3 missed calls. *heart dropped* OMG. 2 missed calls fr school. *heart sank even further* OMG. an sms from unknown number. i opened it and the worst of my fears came to life. T.T mama. haii,i shan't elaborate further. :D then,i called mr seow n he "counselled" me. hahas. felt better after that. :D BUT STILL, *STRESS*STRESS*STRESS*

hahas,then called ms lim to ask when co resumes. :D heh,she told me to ask jess to take full orchestra on friday cos i got training. so i called my dear jessica. :) THEN,i realised that mr seow also called her to go for nsc~~ wohoo~ yays! so now thr should be ziliang, zhang yang, jess n me. one more. who?? hahas,then jess n i discussed about what to do on friday. :) first time discussing co stuff in such a context~ hahas... :D happy happy.
Chinese Orchestra resumes on this coming Friday, 16 May 2008.
(more details on co room door.) :D first co practice,dun be late!

i seriously need to revamp my blog. :) my links are so damn outdated. my skin looks boring. hahas. i need to colour up my boring life~ :D can i have some kind-hearted volunteers to help a computer idiot out? :D
In response to the tagboard sensation:
well,as the owner of this tagboard,i believe that i need to clarify the matter. as you can see,this issue has already died down, which is a good thing. :) and,according to jialing(the real jialing) and camille, siuhui and yanyan, somebody used jialing's name to post a tag that a person of cowardly nature would post. to that person,

If you are a non co member: i've got nothing much to say to you. but hey dude, don't you dare mess with co people.

If you are a co member (which i most definitely do not hope so): i don't know why you are trying to sow discord between jialing and i. but if you feel that this is fun, then im so sorry to tell you that nobody else thinks so. if you are unhappy with anything that i've done as a chairperson up till now, please come and tell me personally. thanks.

to all co members: yes, i am still new as a chairperson, and i undoubtedly have many areas to improve on as a leader. so, if you have any suggestions about how i can improve to make co a better place,please do so. thanks alot. you see,with feedback, you will know specifically which aspects to brush up on, and you will be more alert of your future actions. then,we can grow as a whole. so,please do not stoop down to do stuff like what the fake jialing had done. it only spoils your image.
Hahas,and, i wanna say thanks to the real jialing, camille, siuhui n yanyan. :D u bring out the co spirit man~ yup,and of course not forgetting those that had defended me - huixin, andrew, paulina and zaiyuan. :D love you guys! hahas. :)
And,jialing,i believe that you wouldn't do such a thing. :D

it's a little late, but to xiaowei, yan, ruixiang and junli, thanks for ur jiayous~~ :D


this is dedicated to my beloved sinting~~ :D hahas. ahh~ sinting! long time no c n hear le. hehe,thanks for ur golden jade good words (jin1 yu4 liang2 yan2)! :D i will do my best n not disappoint u de~ hahas. yup, n jiayous for bb concert in august ah! i will definitely go n c de~~ hahas. yup,and i promise to give you the thing that im supposed to give last year. =.= hahas. PROMISE! really. :D

hehe,that's about it barhs. loong post to last u through another month of blogging drought from me. :) how do plants survive drought? they have sunken stomata,hairy surfaces... blah blah blah. HUIERN!! *EXAMS ARE OVER!!*

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