nope, this is not your typical read.
honest, heavy holographs


no huixin! you're NOT gg to snatch him them from me!!!
wahahahahas. despo liao la. cannot stand it. 5hours of meeting.
PLUS saw ziliang. hhas.
and redo proposal.
now doing yi bu la xin paper. =.=
i wanna do a math la. dun wanna do the la bi xiao xin paper. hhas.
FINE! i make no sense. hhas.
n talking to kangyong makes me realise that strangers can become friends. :D yays!
talking to michelle fr philippines also makes me realsie that long-distance friendships can be sustained~ :D

oh no. im NOT thinking straight.
somebody, help me!!!

aeben~ ((:

thong!! :D

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