im actually posting. haha.
yep, quite cool changes to CO these few days...
woo! cool man i tell u. hehe, can't wait to c them. xD
and yea, i dunno, but i really really really really want to do well. but somehow it's not effective. mayb cos i dunno how to organise things on my part here first? or mayb i dunno how to hold SOMETHING that is at least producing something in direct proportion to the amt of time that we put in? ROAR. not very sure. but thing dun seem to be looking bright. BUT. smile! :D well.. it's kinda.. i dunno. hard to describe this kinda thing. hees. and im trying my very very very best to dispel all those weird thoughts. haha. esp now, stress is coming from all sides. it's getting tough to balance. hope i'll be able to adapt faster? (i shouldn't be adapting at this time alr anw. hah.) or mayb i should say: hope i'll be able to get my correct mindset and discipline? (:
i've finished watching GOONG again!!! :DD
damn high, yea~
im gonna rewatch it for the 6th time i tell u. :D
YES. i have not posted about Youth Leaders Academy 4 :p ahems. yes, im a lazy pig.
TAEJI. whatever. hees. :D so... pictures for the time being? yes. i know.. i've been putting pictures up in place of the proper posts.. but hey. (: at least im posting. xD haha!
anw, this whole camp is sooo yellow. xD centurians are yellow, my kitchen is yellow and my theatrette seat is also yellow!! omg. super high. haha! :D

room-mates! :D from left to right:
(top row)yan teng, huey huey, lixing, chelsea
(bottom row)hui voon, me, atiq, choo ling, ruth

ngee ann poly fr the overhead bridge. (:

road (taken on bridge)
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