nope, this is not your typical read.
honest, heavy holographs


ahhhhhhhhhhh. double s is officially ending their activities with their last stage this week on various music shows!!!! T________T ok, at the very least they're focussing on overseas stuff. *spirits lifted a little* tht shld incl SINGAPORE right right? :D hehes.

ok, anyway, anybody know's abt the taecyeon(2pm) incident?? omg.......... it's totally, utterly downright DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! argh. eeeww! yucks! go read it for yourself.
the obsessed fangirl must be sick. *pukes* beware.

and so, i've been wanting to cut my limp hair for days alr. wanna cut it short. :DD

Look 1:

don't you think this is nice?

Look 2:

or maybe these? they're a bobs with a fringe(:

Look 3:

it's a bob with side-bangs. (yes huixin&huiying, BANGS)

Look 4:

but i think my hair will turn out like this, cos of my natural curls. =.=

i nd comments, ppl! (: tag/sms me. haha.

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